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Modernize Your Business

Encompass Meta provides modern, straightforward technology solutions for businesses and non-profits.  From digital transformations to digital process integrations, Meta delivers fast employee-friendly solutions.

Technology Delivered

The Future of Your Business Is Now!

The future of your business is now. Many tech implementations are straightforward for experienced engineering teams.  The objective is to make your business better equipped for the future.

We Produce Results

Your clients and employees are an integral part of your business. The more you understand how your clients and employees interact with every element of your business, the better you will operate your business.

Great Insite

Its not just analytics, its analytics delivered in readable and actionable format.


Integration at your pace and the the pace of business. We work with you to implement turn key solutions for every element of business.

Web Solutions

Web development, site redesigns, integrations with 3rd party shopping experiences, forms, calendars, SMS/text experiences, chat bots, all powered by the cloud.

Discover The Data Your Customers are Providing Your Business

As an affinity partner of the Encompass Group, we will provide valuable technology to help your business understand your customers better through available and hyper-modern technology.  With the use of proprietary technology and analytics, Encompass Group will deliver an easy to use play book for understanding customer behavior and possible outcomes.

Our team of engineers will isolate and coordinate a turn key plan for the individual business.

Our Encompass Group team of professionals will walk you through step by step to better understand your needs and tailor a solution for your business.

Yes.  We follow the strictest guidelines in respecting the privacy of the business and the privacy of your clients.

No. Our affiliate program is designed to work within your time frame and your process of operations.

Yes.  A simple conversation gets the ball rolling and we walk you through the entire process.  We are incredibly transparent and provide details every step of the way.

Web presence and website modifications is an integral part of your business.

It’s more than a website.  Its an opportunity to connect with your existing and future customers.  Your website may be the fist opportunity a new customer interacts with your business. Moreover, your website may be the only way your clients choose to interact with your business. Websites, now, are the cornerstone and epicenter of how the general public receives from and provides information to the business.  Whether its a chat bot, an eCommerce transaction, a survey or questionnaire, or simply a blog article on a relevant topic, customer needs to rely on modern technology to make decisions.

Depending on your business, websites need to be updated regularly to provide current information to your customers.

Yes.  Plainly said, you are already using automation to some degree in your regular life.  Whether its simple settings on your iphone or forward emails based on subject matter in your gmail, we are all using automation today.

Don’t get overwhelmed.  Its super easy to catch up to where you feel your business needs to be.  Our team of engineers make it easy and available.

Our team of engineers and technologists are a step ahead and will provide no nonsense analysis on whats next.  We don’t chase, we create technology.

That’s where we take initiative.  We begin with a conversation and provide a plan of action.  Everything is turn key and straight forward. 

What can A.I. do for you?

AI is the FUTURE and its available NOW.  Thinking about AI is startling and overwhelming for most businesses.  But, its important and critical for business success.  Modern technology is able to provide businesses long lasting impact and success.

Artificial Intelligence can provide businesses simple but elegant solutions for employee management, customer response times, better promotional solutions.

Yes.  It can also prepare your employees and your business for a brighter future.

Yes.  A.I. is NOW.  You may not realize it, but you may already be using some elements of A.I.  Our team delivers solutions that your business may use from Day 1.

Yes.  Our team provides solutions for you, your employees and technology to improve your relationship with your customers.

That’s where we take initiative.  We begin with a conversation and provide a plan of action.  Everything is turn key and straight forward. 

Powered by Engineers, Secured By Science

Integrate Technology with Confidence

From Digital Transformations, Cloud Migrations, Digital Integrations, to Analytics, Integrations, and Web Solutions, Encompass Meta provides full service End-To-End Solutions your business.

Technology @ the speed of your business.

Understanding your needs is important to us.  Let’s schedule a 15 minute conversation to better understand you needs.

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